Saturday, February 19, 2005

experiments in string theory? I don't know?

i love to play piano
at night
when I'm half asleep
slowing my mind, and letting my fingers move
down scales they know so well
and across notes that shouldn't fit
aranging shapes and colors as i please
and with the crash of disharmony i shatter then
and let the splinters spread.

to slowly watch as the sky becomes an A
the trees become a D
the moon shines as a G
a summer night becomes a C

stringing together memorys
momens long gone
desires, moment that have never been
faces and wrists
wraped in vines and moonlight
fade back and forth
between the glisten of snow
and the glisten of blood
shining with a self-hatred only the bleeding understand
Dear God
i hide under the covers
where i was once a sleeping dragon resting in my lair
on this piano seat my back is exposed
for the stabbers who stand in the darkness around me
who crept in, invited by my demonic notes
their knives as sharp as the black keys
play a C and they cant touch me
i play a C and they cant touch me

i don't understand this song
i don't know where it is going...
but this is the only song I know.


Tom said...

Bravo my man. theres some diamonds inside you. keep getting this stuff out, i think it would make a great song... or at least an idea for a song... scarlet finds a grand piano?

Tom said...

noise related material for you to check out:

Jessica Ryan (Can't):

Emil Beaulieau:

Bret Fultman:

Tom said...

Joel, heres our blog:

Tom said...

Joel, sorry for all the links, but... heres some Champion links:

Their label:

Champion's site:

Its good, tight, tough guy hardcore. Comeback kidish but more raw.