Sunday, December 16, 2007

i hate/love people rant

this is an angry stream of consiusness
if you like good spelling and gramer youll love this.

don't take it personally... well actually do.

late night rant...

is this it?

is this life?

is this it?

were all going (runing-walking) in cercils to confim and validate one another.
the hipsters the yuppies the artists the christains the punks

what worthless bullshit.

none opf us break free. none of us are aktually doing anything that maters

christains-- grow up get jobs fall inlove and get maried and fall out of contactat with the world around them go hide in your safe litle corner with your sweet heart and be in love and forget the world and your old friends and doing anthing that actually afects things.

the cool kids-- go to parties and dance and drink and smoke and are so fucking full of shit that i vomiteon this keyboard right now. go in your big cercil form cool place to cool place and complement each other on your hair and outfits thats so cute, lots of cool parties and making out and living for an image, like old movies you are propoganda self sold, and you love it because you validate one another by telling one another how cool you are. and the corprate leaches love you even more as they drink your blood at watering holes and cornerstores. and you think your stiking it to the man by shoping at thiff stors you dumb fucks. wake the fuck up. and think about what your doing to your litle siblings and the kids that see you pushing your image so hard as you pretend not to try.

yuppies--, jesus forgive us we go to sckool and work hard at it and lean learn learn and studie and get jobs in things like computer sience and graphic desigen and interior fucking decorating jesus, we are cogs in a macien that we have exepted,we have exepted that the system is ok and things will sort themselves out and we need to get good jobs and have future. but we forot our child hood ideals about individuality and freedom and equality. and few of us really comprehend the macien that we are such a willing part of.

artists--. oh what fun time to stab at myself, we can wonder deep in dimly lite hallways find a pink room full of the locomotion another room of bunnie rabit men, and turn it over inside out and say... hey this means something. and sertanly it does. but no lessdo we run in circls chasing our metophoric tales. i can contemplate my naval all day long, but no nnurishment will it give.i make art and he makes art and she makes art and i tell him its good and he tells her its good and she tells me its goodand we are no difrent from the cool kids with hair and clothes circular affermation, but we think we're better and all the wile we're putting them down as we do the same damn thing... none of us are breaking out of this

punks--. you beutifull people, is the cose lost or have we for gotten what it was... for the most part arnt we just alitle dit of all of the above.image, dependancy, music, art, snobery. salvation is a skateboard. rebelion is image. rebel in a formulated fation. drink, smoke, fuck, and fight, whose the narliest, who is craziest, whose got the biggest leggend. withoureally thinking about what real rebellion could be if rebls idalised things like responibility, itegrity, work ethic, productiongiving. sharing. teaching. loving. what could it be like... can you imagine...

lets get over ourselves

lets look at the big picture

lets stop talking shit

lets start doing shit

who am i kidding.

Friday, October 19, 2007


well i just rediscoverd this old site and had quite the trip reading my old poetry, I'm glad I found it, brings back alot of memorys. poetry has always beem that for me, a way to remember, like keeping a journal in code that only i understand.

i just went sleep walking, it's a nice damp night. I like walking, without particularly thinking of anything, just being, feeling the city sleep. 3:35am